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To fix this issue, please do the following:
* Login to your server as root and go to the /etc direcotry: cd /etc
* Modify the nameserverips file using favorite text editor. We use VIM: vi /etc/nameserverips
* Now simply change the nameserver IPs as you see pleased, after you're done save the file. With VIM: :wq
* Restart DNS server: /etc/init.d/named restart
You're all done!
Please keep in mind that you should also delete any rDNS entries to that domain that used the old nameservers as that will permanently fix the issue.
Hi guys, I am pretty satisfied with your service. Yes, I have experienced some downtime issues with my boxes, but you guys have always been right there for me, at my beck and call whenever I need you. Additionally, you guys are always more than fair when it comes to helping me configure my boxes with my DirectAdmin control panel. Overall, I am very pleased with the service, both in terms of the hardware I receive from you as well as the customer service. Prices seem to be quite fair too. Thanks, Ephi
Great prices and service! Truly is painless, professional and polite (That's their slogan).
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