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To fix this issue, please do the following:
* Login to your server as root and go to the /etc direcotry: cd /etc
* Modify the nameserverips file using favorite text editor. We use VIM: vi /etc/nameserverips
* Now simply change the nameserver IPs as you see pleased, after you're done save the file. With VIM: :wq
* Restart DNS server: /etc/init.d/named restart
You're all done!
Please keep in mind that you should also delete any rDNS entries to that domain that used the old nameservers as that will permanently fix the issue.
AYK provide a very good value product, and always in a professional manner. I have used several hosting companies over the past 17 years. During that time I occasionally needed help with a variety of minor setup issues. Only AYK gave quick and helpful answers. I highly recommend them.
Simply the best. have been using them from last 2 years. Remember Dedicated servers are hardware so few times problem do arrive. but always fixed in time. Really really Positive attitude from President.
AYKSolutions is thee best hosting solution I have found in 10 years of searching. I'm very grateful of the services they provide. Such a vast variety to host whatever you desire at a great rate. The support team has always been great, always get a reply within 4 Hours of posting, usually way before 4H. I have a range of 1-10gbit machines and they've always kept up with premium standards. Networks they sell are premium, guaranteed. Thank you, AYK :)