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Domain Questions

Let's say your site's URL is

- You install a Message Board and put in a directory called
- You can turn the directory board into a sub-domain by logging into Cpanel and clicking on the 'Subdomains' icon.
- Now you can access your Message board as either OR
This is free to do.

Parked Domain
- You have two domains, and
- You want to have domain redirecting to domain, in other words, if you type in or into your browser, it will always go to
- To do this, click on the 'Parked Domains" icon in your Cpanel and set it up through there.
- We do not charge you for setting up extra domains, but you do have to register them first.

Add-On Domains
- You have two domains, and
- You want to leave these 2 domains completely separate and you do not have access to our WHM panel. Here you will need to use the add-on domain function.
- In your Cpanel, choose the 'Add-On Domain' icon and set it up through there.
- We do not charge for adding on extra domains, but you will need to get them registered first.

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